Bag Filling System Manufacturer


Feige Filling offers a range of bag filling systems that is able to fulfill any client needs concerning the putting of contents into plastic bags. The method that Feige Filling excels in is the gravimetric filling approach where the plastic bags are filled with the required amount of content by measuring them by weight. The other method is the volumetric approach where the required amount of content fills up the plastic bags by measuring them by volume.

Feige Filling offers two modes of bag filling machines, namely the semi-automatic filling type or the fully automatic filling type.The semi-automatic bag filler is made of stainless steel and is designed by Feige Filling to be simple and streamline that is able to fulfill the gravimetric filling of plastic bags. Installation is kept easy and straight forward with its Plug and Fill capability.

This Plug and Fill feature requires only the connection of the power supply, compressed air and product line and the bag filler is ready for production. There is no need for complicated installation and the laying of additional cables and conduits. In the semi-automatic model, the personnel that operate the bag filler machine attach a plastic bag to a support that holds the bag.

After the plastic bag is confirmed to be opened and secured properly by the bag holder, a button is pressed to begin the filling operation. During the entire filling process, the plastic bag is continuously held in place by the holder firmly. The plastic bag will be first filled with the contents to almost the required weight and then precisely filled to the exact required weight. The filling is done in such a way that is W&M approved.

After the plastic bag is filled, it is removed from the support. It is then sealed and is ready to be packed.The bag filler system has the capability to switch product fast with its unique fast switch connectors. Feige Filling also provides the automatic bag filler which carries the name of Liquidus. The Liquidus is designed to be a fully automatic bag filler system that can be used to fill contents into plastic bags.

It is designed and constructed with the experiences and feedback that were received from the semi-automatic version earlier on. The performance of Liquidus is the fast filling of contents into 640 plastic bags in one hour.Each plastic bag has a maximum weight of 25 kilograms. The ingenious software program contains an algorithm to precisely control the flow of the required amount of contents into each plastic bag via the filling valve.

After each plastic bag is filled, the excess air is removed from the bag and then sealed up. All this is done automatically without the need of any human labour to attach the plastic bag and then pressing the start button as in the semi-automatic version. The Liquidus is also Plug and Fill and requires just the connection of the power supply, compressed air and product line to be ready for production immediately.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Bag Filling Systems Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!

Are there Different Types of Filling Machines?

Yes! Of Course… Filling machines are used by different industries all over the world. So there are different types of filling machines that are designed to fill bottles, containers, drums, pail, pallet, bag, can, etc…In Can Filling machine there are different types available.

Some of the most common type of can filling machines include:

1. “SlimLine” Pail Filler
2. “Plug and Fill” pail filling station
3. Automatic pail filling machine
4. Pail filler
5. High-speed filler for filling of pails and cans

Filling machines are uniquely designed to take on specific filling tasks, and they mainly fall into two categories:

1. Fully Automatic Filling Machines
2. Semi-Automatic Filling Machines

These two categories of filling machines depend on how much human labor is involved in the process with each machine. If you are planning to buy a liquid filling machine, then first understand your complete requirements. Because so many different techniques and manifold filling machines are available in the market and also many Liquid Filling Equipment that come in various models using different technology and hence having varied capacities. So one should identifying the most appropriate filling machine, because that is very important to fulfill the business requirements and production capacity.

And also buying a liquid filling machine from the best manufacturer is always beneficial. In Singapore, Feigeasia is the leading manufacturer of semi-automatic and fully automatic filling machines for liquid and pasty products. These filling machines are designed to make the filling process more effective, safe, accurate, and organized. So any of the businesses looking for a highly efficient liquid filling machine then quickly contact Feigeasia professionals @

Robot Palletizing System Manufacturer


In these days of economic pressure, only the companies that have robotic equipment are in a better position to answer to the consumer’s changing demands. Such equipment is now within the reach of businesses because their prices have been slashed down due to the advantages of mass production. They are now at the center of manufacturing operations. They help by not only reducing operation costs, perfecting quality and increasing productivity but also provide safety to employees.

Palletizing in industries has come a long way from the days when manual stacking was the only option. It was during the 1990s that robotic palletizes came into their own and started replacing traditional layer palletizers. They are widely used in end of line packaging procedures. Manufacturers interested in clean and lean processes should seriously consider employing robotic cells for all palletizing applications.

They offer flexibility, reliability and increased productivity. The Robotic Cells are capable of handling even a single case accumulation at a time, thereby eliminating the requirement of additional conveyors. Those fitted with a vision system are able to pick cases that are randomly lying around and stock them according to a preplanned program of pattern. They are in a better position to handle packaging flaws arising out of irregularly formed cases and bulging cases.

For packaging lines, most manufacturers look for equipment that offers flexibility, Robotic Palletizing ensures greater productivity, fewer personnel on the job, less capital equipment and less occupied floor space. Some manufacturers may require mixed sizes of cases to be palletized which the robotic cells are greatly capable of handling. These cells can handle varying package weights and sizes more efficiently.

They are also capable of handling multiple product types and custom mixed pallet loads. If a company decides to discontinue a certain product and introduce another, these palletizers can be reprogrammed for the new applications. Robotic palletising scores majorly over traditional palletising because it offer a better solution for palletizing applications, be it in single or multiple packaging applications.

It offers a very quick return on investment because of the ease of operation and low maintenance costs. Robotic palletizers usually last for a much longer period of time than traditional manual automated systems during which they can tackle all kinds of packaging challenges that traditional systems cannot hope to accomplish. Automation and use of robotic equipment is the key to increased productivity in the future which no business can afford to ignore anymore.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Palletizing System Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!