Bag Filling Systems Manufacturer


Feige Filling offers a range of bag filling systems that is able to fulfill any client needs concerning the putting of contents into plastic bags. The method that Feige Filling excels in is the gravimetric filling approach where the plastic bags are filled with the required amount of content by measuring them by weight. The other method is the volumetric approach where the required amount of content fills up the plastic bags by measuring them by volume.

Feige Filling offers two modes of bag filling machines, namely the semi-automatic filling type or the fully automatic filling type.The semi-automatic bag filler is made of stainless steel and is designed by Feige Filling to be simple and streamline that is able to fulfill the gravimetric filling of plastic bags. Installation is kept easy and straight forward with its Plug and Fill capability.

This Plug and Fill feature requires only the connection of the power supply, compressed air and product line and the bag filler is ready for production. There is no need for complicated installation and the laying of additional cables and conduits. In the semi-automatic model, the personnel that operate the bag filler machine attach a plastic bag to a support that holds the bag.

After the plastic bag is confirmed to be opened and secured properly by the bag holder, a button is pressed to begin the filling operation. During the entire filling process, the plastic bag is continuously held in place by the holder firmly. The plastic bag will be first filled with the contents to almost the required weight and then precisely filled to the exact required weight.

The filling is done in such a way that is W&M approved. After the plastic bag is filled, it is removed from the support. It is then sealed and is ready to be packed.The bag filler system has the capability to switch product fast with its unique fast switch connectors.Feige Filling also provides the automatic bag filler which carries the name of Liquidus. The Liquidus is designed to be a fully automatic bag filler system that can be used to fill contents into plastic bags.

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Palletizing System And Equipments


Feigeasia have a wide range of products is available that has particularly been designed to meet your requirements on gravimetric filling of containers from 1 kg to 3,000 kg. You can choose from a variety of semi-automatic and fully automatic filling machines. We can offer complete systems for fully automatic packaging processes through the combination of filling equipment with our conveyor and palletising system.

A range of products is available that has particularly been designed to meet your requirements on gravimetric filling of containers from 1 kg to 3,000 kg. You can choose from a variety of semi-automatic and fully automatic filling machines. We can offer complete systems for fully automatic packaging processes through the combination of filling equipment with our conveyor and palletising system.

A palletiser is a mechanical device that allows the automation of placing items a propos peak of a pallet. It dramatically reduces the amount of period working compared to stacking the items approaching the pallets by directory labor. It is plus much safer using these palletisers than using human workers to transfer any oppressive items by hand, reducing the workplace accidents or injuries.

Feige Filling Technology Pte Ltd Offers a range of palletizing systems such as the shove palletiser for drums and containers, vacuum palletiser for drums, palletising robot and the vacant pallet magazine.For the shove palletiser for containers, two containers are first placed upon zenith of each added in two rows. These will be pushed by the palletiser onto the pallet.For the vacuum palletiser for drums, it is enjoyable for any containers behind sleek tops.

Plastic drums that are built taking into consideration stable tops can with be used. Its advantage is its compact design which can adopt occurring to 70 pallets in an hour once a sum of 4 drums placed 2 by 2 in one pallet. The vacuum palletiser contains devices called gripper to pick taking place the drums and put them safely upon the pallets.The vacant pallet magazines are designed to store taking place to 15 pallets without cargo. These magazines dispense the bottom pallet onto the conveyor system as a outcome that the cargo can be stacked upon it at the bordering stage.

The LPM-2 model is practiced to run 2 showing off and 4 showing off pallets even if the LPM-4 is clever to run 4 enhancement pallets. The manipulators are equipped considering a purposefully crafted gripping device to lift the containers and put them the length of upon a pallet. Staff can be trained to use the manipulators ergonomically and safely, leading to a bigger efficiency in terms of both cost and period.

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