Filling Equipments Optimization And Services


Feige Filling provides equipment optimization services which involve the following five main areas, revamping of equipment to the latest design, revamping of equipment to new application, extension of equipment, optimization of equipment output, and optimization of equipment availability.There are many existing equipment that were built with circular weigh scale.

Feige Filling has the expertise to convert such circular weigh scales into electronic weigh scales without changing the current existing process flow. An electronic weigh scale enables a more accurate and precise measurement to be taken compared with the circular weigh scale. The circular weigh scale, being non digital, is prone to human reading error as the personnel who read the numbers off the scale may make parallax errors.

Parallax error occurs when the personnel taking the readings does not align his line of sight at right angles on the marker that the needle in the scale is pointing at.The parallax error increases the further the personnel is to the scale reading. The electronic weigh scale does not have the parallax error problem as the measurement is displayed in a digital form that will not cause any misreading.

By upgrading the equipment from a circular weigh scale to an electronic weigh scale, the company can enjoy higher efficiency from a faster and easier measurement taking. The company is able to maintain consistency and accuracy using the electronic weigh scale as there will not be any dispute between more than two personnel taking the readings. The filling equipment is able to fill a maximum output that is designed accordingly to the original specifications. The maximum output will still be capped at a limit amount even if the equipment is fully optimized.

Feige Filling is able to increase the output to two times the original capacity by adding an additional piece of filler. The second fill place is integrated seamlessly into the filling equipment using the modular system from Feige Filling. Having two fill places on the filling equipment equates to double the output capacity. Client enjoys more output with lower cost outlay compared with replacing the entire equipment with a higher capacity model. Feige Filling also has the expertise to cater for any specific requirements that the client may have.

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Drum Filling Systems in Singapore


Feigeasia have a wide range of products is available that has particularly been designed to meet your requirements on gravimetric filling of drums. You can choose from a variety of semi-automatic and fully automatic filling machines. We can offer complete systems for fully automatic packaging processes through the combination of filling equipment with our conveyor and palletising system.

These drum filling systems are available in either top fill only or bottom up fill (subsurface) configurations. Top drum filling configurations are less expensive but limited to non foaming bulk products. Bottom up drum filling configurations are very flexible systems capable of filling almost any bulk product within a wide range of foamy characteristics and viscosities.

The new stainless steel „SlimLine”-Filler has been designed in well proven Feige quality to meet highest demands. According to the motto “keep it simple”, Feige has consciously abstained from any over-engineering and yet this “SlimLine”-Filler offers all the main functions of a gravimetric filler.The well proven “Plug & Fill” principle is also the basis for the new filler, i.e. this “SlimLine”-Filler is ready mounted for production! Power supply is put on, compressed air and product line are connected and drums, pails and canisters up to 300 kg can be filled with liquid products as per W&M approval.

Automatic drum filler for automatic and W&M approved filling of 200l steel or plastics drums. 50l drums can also be filled by using ancillary equipment. Feige offers even more stages of expansion for the drum filling machine “Type 33” for the filling of steel and plastic drums. Automatic de-bunging and bunging station, nitrogen purging or pre- and final filling station can be combined as per requirement.

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