Bag and Pail Filling Conveyor Systems


Conveyor systems are broadly divided into two categories: belt conveyors and roller conveyors. Belt conveyors are ideally suited for food production facilities, abattoirs and manufacturing applications, when goods need to be handled and transported with care. The belt system is better suited to moving objects of irregular size and can be used to transport goods to different levels within the workplace.

The most useful system in your company which can reduce the delay in circulating your products inside your production room is the conveyor systems. Roller conveyors can be gravity operated or motorized, and are best suited to the movement of boxes, regular shaped packages and heavy loads. They are low cost, easy to maintain and can be bolted together to form a continuous conveyor system.

Feige Asia offers a wide variety of can and pail filling systems that are able to fulfill all kinds of demands that a customer requires for its gravimeter filling of cans and pails. These can and pail filling systems can be either fully automatic or semi-automatic. The filling quantity is available in either 1 to 30 kilograms or 3 to 60 kilograms.

Feige Filling offers two modes of bag filling machines, namely the semi-automatic filling type or the fully automatic filling type.The semi-automatic bag filler is made of stainless steel and is designed by Feige Filling to be simple and streamline that is able to fulfill the gravimetric filling of plastic bags. Installation is kept easy and straight forward with its Plug and Fill capability.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Can Filling Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!

Bag and Can Filling Machines in Singapore



Feige Filling GmbH has proved its reputation as a leading manufacturer in the filling machines worldwide by their unique features in the field of filling systems and innovation in technology. Feige Filling is popular for their outstanding features like reliability, high speed and gravimetric filling for the liquid and pastry products. The cans, pails, drums or IBC, etc are used in the filling system for filling liquid and pastry products.

Feige Filling also provides the automatic bag filler which carries the name of Liquidus. The Liquidus is designed to be a fully automatic bag filler system that can be used to fill contents into plastic bags. It is designed and constructed with the experiences and feedback that were received from the semi-automatic version earlier on. The performance of Liquidus is the fast filling of contents into 640 plastic bags in one hour.

Feige Filling offers a range of products under the can and pail filling systems particularly to meet the requirements of the customers on gravimeter filling of pails. Choice can be made from a variety of fully automatic and semi-automatic filling machines. A complete system for fully automatic packaging processes can also be provided with a combination of filling equipment with conveyor and palletizing system.

The can filler, also known as type OC, is an automated filler that is able to fill cans with a maximum quantity of 40 kilograms. It can be deployed to fill below level, above level or even below bunghole. It is modular designed such that various operating processes can be automated with the system. For example, cans can be fed into the system one at a time.

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